⛰️ Do YOU have a VISION for YOUR next Innovation SUMMIT? ⛰️
I believe that a Vision is the fundament for your innovation journey.
It gives your journey a crystal clear direction – a WHY
You should create it together with the people, you want to get on the same track with you. So involve the teamwhich will be part of the innovation journey
A vision which is only created, documented and in the end is written on a sheet of paper is nothing worth if you don’t talk about it. Communicate and explain your vision to get all the people in your company, organisation or project on board. Create momentum for the new things to come. Prepare the people and the whole organisation by claiming support for the innovation journey.
A vision is only effective if you make it your own. You have to believe in your vision!
#InnovationOnline #InnovationSummit #silentwaves #teamleadership #Innovation
What’s your opinion on this? What are your experiences?
If you want to please leave a comment to discuss on, looking forward:-)
If you have some questions or a need we should talk about just give me a call or arrange an appointment with me:
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