„Teamwheel – The Team Wave of the Wave(s)© Model!“
A few months ago I was driven by an essential question. What might be valuable for teams and leaders to get a picture of their condition as a community in a short time.
During my training as a systemic coach I learned how to use the so-called Team Radar, which helps teams to analyze certain areas of effectiveness. It is in fact a very useful tool I’ve already picked up in my workshop kit. However, I wanted to develop a simple and concise method to visualize insights at a glance.
In addition, it should not require a complicated explanation and instruction to be able to use a tool or method by the team itself.
The Team Wave as part of the Wave(s) Model
My approach for team development, the Wave(s) Model, already draws attention to the essential areas of a team that are crucial for its effectiveness. Combined with a wheel of life, which is often used in personal development, I created the team wave in the Wave(s) Model, a team wheel of team development.
The Team Wave in practice
The team wave is structured in three dimensions, in analogy to the Wave(s) Model, each containing 5 values or principles. These values are used for the evaluation within the team and are marked or filled in the related area according to their value.
The inner circle stands for the lowest value (1), the outer circle for the highest value (10) for the related field and the assessment by the team.
The team wave can be filled out by the leader alone or together with the team or by the team itself. All team members can of course fill it on their own. Afterwards the results can be reflected together in the team.
But what do the dimensions and the corresponding fields basically mean?
Building blocks for the fundament of a team
The building blocks for the foundation show where the team stands and how solid the common base of the team is. These are:
🌊 Growth
🌊 Authenticity
🌊 Trust
🌊 Emotions
🌊 Fun
The team has the intrinsic motivation and ambition to develop together
All team members contribute with their personality and talents
Within the team there is a trustful, honest and open interaction
The team members show each other their emotions openly
The team acts with fun to achieve their goals
Elements for developing a team
The elements are areas which show where the team still has potentials for theier development. These are listed below:
Value System
The team has a common value system that everyone knows and lives by
Within the team there is an open, constructive and learning atmosphere
The team has a common vision that is supported by all of them
The team works together with energy to achieve the goals
The team knows the why and the sense of its actions
Characteristics of an extraordinary team
The characteristics of an extraordinary team show if and how a group of people works as a team. It is the verification of the team maturity level and is validated with the following criteria:
The team achieves an effect in its environment
All team members are in action and in motion
The team takes responsibility for their own actions and behaviour
The team is successful, everyone shares the success with all others
The team members are proud to be part of this team
The special momentum of the Team Wave
The team wave provides a first picture of the teams condition with the available perspectives.
The special momentum of working with the team wave is that the findings can be discussed in a common session after filling it out. The exchange of the individual perspectives and the related stories is a valuable addition to any team’s daily routine and can be perfectly integrated into team meetings and workshops.
What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to write me a comment about it.
You can download the team wave as a template directly from my website and fill it out manually with your team – Download Team Wave.
The tool is also available in digital form. Feel free to contact me or make an appointment with me at https://www.silentwaves.team/termin. Let’s talk about your challenges.
The german version of this article you can find here: Blogpost Team Wave, german
#SilentWaves #teamradteamentwicklung #teamwelle #wavesmodel #teamentwicklung
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